“Oh my! Just reading about Suining's "Laochi Panlong Eel" makes my mouth water. The description of it being spicy, crispy, with fragrant bones and tender meat is simply tantalizing. No wonder it's a must - have rural delicacy for locals during Spring Festival. It sounds like a burst of flavor that any "Hungry Snake" in 2025 would be eager to sink their teeth into!”(哇塞!仅仅是读到遂宁的 “老池盘龙鳝”这几个字,我就垂涎欲滴。文中描述它香辣酥脆、骨香肉嫩,实在是太诱人了。难怪过春节时,当地人必备这一道乡村美食呢。听起来那滋味实在浓郁十足,2025年的任何一个 “贪吃蛇”(吃货)都会迫不及待地想要大快朵颐一番呀!)